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Chapter - 13

Chapter 13 - Please Don't 

(A/N: A few sexual parts. Warning!) 

When I got upstairs, something wasn't right. I opened my door, and before my hand was able to turn the lights on someone grabbed me. They took both my hands and tied them behind my back. I tried to scream, but nothing was coming out of my mouth. I opened it, then closed it, opened it and closed it again. What was wrong with me? 

"Play nice, and no one gets hurt." Is what the person behind me said. The voice was so familiar, but I couldn't pick it up. He slammed me into the bed, and covered my mouth with a cloth. A few seconds later my vision started to get blurry. The only thing I could see was black. "Why not kill me while your at it?" I said after I blacked out.

It was cold. My hands were tied behind my back, and I couldn't move. I was blindfolded, and I realized I had no clothes on except for my bra, and underwear. What the fuck was I? I used both of my hands to push my self up. When I sat up, someone removed the blindfold from my eyes, and I could see again. What I saw next shocked me. I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was Nick. He kidnapped me. I was so furious now. I felt like I could break a chair. "Katy, its so nice to see you." he winked. I felt like barfing at the moment. I mean he had the looks and everything, but the way he did it ... it disgusted me. "Not, nice seeing your face as soon as I wake up" I spat back.

He walked around me, and picked me up. He dropped me on the bed, and got on too. "W-w-what a-are you d-doing?" I asked while stuttering. "Lets play a game." Was all he said. "What game?" I asked back. "The game where you have to answer what ever I ask in 3 seconds, and you have to have the right answer too. Every time you answer wrong, I take something off of you, until there's nothing left. Then we will have a little more fun for the ending. But if I lose 2 times I'll let you go. Sounds fair?" He chuckled. "No thanks, I don't really feel like playing." I said trying to breathe.

"Too bad, you are. Okay so whats my favorite color?" He asked. "Uhm .... blue?" I said scared, in a quite voice. "Wrong, its lime green." I looked at him like WHAT THE FUCK? HOW AM I SUPPOSE TO KNOW THAT? He then looked happy. "Hmmm what should I remove? Bra or panties?" He sang. "NO PLEASE!" Was all I said before he removed my bra and panties. I tried to use my hands to cover up, but That wasn't working. "Okay, your turn." he smiled. 

"Whats my favorite color?" I asked. "Green!" he answered with. "Wrong, teal. 1 more chance, and you have to let me go. Don't go back on your promise!" I hissed. "What's one of my favorite sports?" I hesitated but said "Soccer???" He was grinning now. "Wrong" I froze. What was he going to do now? He got on top of me and kissed me. I tried to pull back, but I couldn't. He was holding my head lightly. 

He pulled back and smiled. He then sent kisses don't my neck and my collarbone. I was trying so hard not to moan, or that would give him the wrong impression. When he did that stuff I instantly thought about Zayn and I wanted to moan so badly. The way he touched my bod made me jump. He grabbed my boobs and messaged them lightly. I screamed for him to stop but he didn't. He then sucked on them causing me to moan. Oh my gosh. What did I just do? I was horrified at what he was making my body do and express.

I was crying now. I couldn't stop the tears. He slid his hand down to my area, and just when he was about the stick his hand into my core someone grabbed him and pushed him against the wall. They kept punching him in the face, and the stomach. When he slid to the ground, the kicked him a few times until he was finally knocked out. Finally my savior turned around and it was Zayn. He ran up to me and pulled me against him. "Baby, i'm so sorry. If I knew this was going to happen I would of been here faster." He said both furious, and sorry. "Its okay, but just don't leave me again please" I said back. 

He unwrapped my arms, and took his shirt off and gave it to me. I quickly took it and thanked him. 


I was finally home, away from all this. Zayn had offered to stay the night, and I let him. I was to scared to be by myself for they next two days, seeing as my mom was on a business trip and wouldn't be back today. I walked upstairs, and into the bathroom. I took my clothes off and put them in the hamper. I then felt the temperature of the water, and it was perfect. I got in, and let the cold drops of water slide down my back, then down the drain. I was sitting on the ground crying. My tears weren't visible because it was blending in with the water. 

I got up and whipped the last tears from my eyes. I got the shampoo and squeezed some out. I massaged my scalp then rinsed my hair. Then I grabbed the soap and passes it onto my body three times before washing the traces away. When I was about to get out, Zayn came into the bathroom, and joined me. It was a big stand up shower, so we weren't squished together. We had enough personal space. He took a few steps closer to me until he was just a few inches away from me. He held my waist and crashed his lips onto mine. 

I wrapped my arms around his waist to and pulled him closer towards me until there was hardly any more space left between us. He slid his tongue on my bottom lip and I opened for him. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and began exploring like usual. I broke the kiss because I had to breathe. When I turned back to him I had a perfectly good view of him. We were both naked, and the only thing that helped cover us was the steam from the shower.

I looked him up and down checking out his body. He was tanned, and he had a sexy six pack that looked good against me. He saw me looking, and pulled me closer to him. Letting my hands touch them. "You don't have to check me out, you can touch me, feel me, or stare any time you want." I blushed at what he just said. He looked me up and down, like what I had just done to him. "I love what i'm seeing was all that he said" I smirked and went closer to him. "You can touch me, feel me, or stare at me any time you want baby and you can stop drooling now." He blushed making me laugh.

He pushed me against the hard wall and pinned my arms above me head. He kissed my collarbone and started to plant small kisses up my neck. Went he got to my jaw he kissed it lightly and then crashed him lips onto mine. I kissed back with the same force. I then pulled apart, and got out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around my body, then my head. For the first time, I walked into my walk-in closet to the back and grabbed a pair of pajamas's. They were black shorts, with a green tank top. I then blow dried my hair and tied it up into a messy ponytail.

I laid on the bed waiting for Zayn. When he came out he was swearing some black shorts, without a top on. Oh my fuckin' gosh. I was literally drooling. He walked over to me and pretended to rub the drool away. He got into bed, and laid down next to me. He kissed my forehead and said goodnight. I snuggled up next to him, and fell a sleep. 


(A/N: Heyy guys, this is the second last chapter for this book. There might be a series, but i'm still in my thinking mood. Anyways if you think I should write another book for this one to follow up on, send me a message, with some ideas you might want in the next book. until next time bye bye - Lessia :)
